Friday, September 30, 2011

Jessamyn's Birthday Present v2.0

Following a trend she started last year, Jessamyn asked her friends who came to her birthday party to give her dog and cat food instead of gifts so she could help the local Humane Society. Today, she got a chance to drop off the more than a dozen items. She received a VERY energetic response from the director and she was so elated about being able to do this for them.

This started last year with us passing the Humane Society each morning and Jess asking either mom or I what the sign said. Many times we would read "Dog and Cat Food Needed". At Jess's birthday last year, she suggested that we put on the invitations that she'd rather have dog/cat food so she can help fulfill their indicated needs.

An amazing young girl.

Joey and Jessamyn's Fundraiser

You know how some schools do fundraisers by selling wrapping paper or some sort of junk food that costs too much and you just end up throwing out anyways? Well, the kids school does a much more creative fundraiser... ever year, each student gets a pledge form to have family and friends fill out and then the kids themselves run for the fundraiser rather than sell useless stuff.

Oddly enough, this really works and the kids REALLY get into getting the funds raised. Last year alone, the school netted nearly $20k from this single one-day event alone. Not bad for a school of just over 400 students.

Here are some shots from Joey and Jess running in this years "Road Rally" at their elementary school.