Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Something about Joey

Play dates, backyard parties, legos, staying up late, and always asking questions about his surroundings. This has been the Spring of Joey's life for the past few weeks. At this point, we're all looking forward to Summer and the end of the school year.
Big changes are afoot in the next week for the Pike family, and I'll be sure to post here about them as they transpire.
Stay tuned...


Bubbie said...

What a tender shot of Joey; I love it.

Hmmm....your comment is intriguing and I'll plan to stay tuned!

Mimi said...

I emphatically agree with Bubbie, what a tender shot of Joey.

His spring may be busy with activity and questions, but Joey found time to phone me to invite me to a sleep-over...on "Tuesday"! Hopefully he will accept recital weekend as the date of my sleep-over!