Thursday, July 31, 2008

Neighborhood Party Pictures

Jocie is showing off for the camera as she licks her drink

In preparation for the party, beautiful tables filled with food and deserts were put together by the neighborhood. Jocie decided to help out by finding these two bins that the kids have been using to move dirt around in the backyard. After being told that we didn't want these on the table with the food, Jocie tossed them on the ground and headed back towards her table and awaited dinner...

Caught, with her hand in the cookie bowl! (and note the full mouth indicating a previous cookie munching offence...)

Jessamyn loves flowers just as much as her mother...

Apparently Sony loves children as much as we do. She and Cassy have learned to climb the steep ladder into the kids playhouse (a full 5 feet above ground).


1 comment:

Bubbie said...

Oiy, do they look adorable! Looks like a fun time.