Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jocie Gets into Trouble

Every parent undoubtedly encounters a time when they realize that their offspring have been out of their purview for a brief period. A time of shear internal panic ensues as that little voice deep inside seeds our conscious mind with "worst case scenarios" about what may have come to our little ones. Most of the time, though, we find them harmlessly doing childlike activities and all goes back to normal.
Well, such was the case on another one of these moments that seem to happen to me all too often... JL asks "Where's Jocie?" Implying that the chore of toddler tracking was last left in the Jay position on our mental responsibility chart, I begrudgingly amble off to try and locate an innocuous 18 month old baby in the grandparent's house.
Upon entering the master bedroom, I was rewarded by the sight you'll see below. Fortunately, Mimi (Jocie's grandmother) was already peering through the viewfinder on her camera as she snapped some shots of her own (and obfuscating me of guilt and blame for the actions taken by my daughter).
"I didn't know she could open zippers" Mimi exclaimed. "Oh, yes, she's gotten good at just about everything you'd hope she couldn't do at her age" I muttered.


Bubbie said...

LOL !!!!! Every baby girl should have one of these moments---I'm so glad you got pictures of it :)
Bubbie Di

Mimi said...

I giggle silently each morning as I unzip my makeup bag and think of my awesome granddaughter doing what comes naturally.

Atta Girl, Jocie!!!!!!

BUT....I am still missing my amethyst-colored eyeliner, Jocie!!

Mimi said...

...and, Jocie, can you tell me where you put the tube of lip gloss whose cap still rests on my dressing table?????

I always leave the lip gloss there on my dressing table for you, and another for Jess....and soon another for Baby "J".

What a joy, being Mimi/Grandparent!

nana said...

way to go jocie!!!!!
She the one who will be the boss.:)
she will be the one who will love to be all dolled up. having granddaughter lets me remember when my girls were little and doing almost the same things. I may not get to see them as much as I would love, but this gives me a chance to see them doing things I would miss. thank you so much for sharing these moments with us so we can be a part of this.
Love Nana

Joanne said...

I beyond LOVE these so caught in the act photos... priceless - the look you got from her in that first and last one. She is beautiful and a fashionitta already! love it!!!