Monday, September 22, 2008

The Girls at Play


Mimi said...

Incredibly stunning photos, Jay.

Jess' beauty mark, along with her way-too-mature beauty, makes her an up-and-coming Marilyn Monroe!!!

Look at all the curly hair cropping up around Jocie's head!!!!

nana said...

I totally agree with mimi Jess is such a beauty. Jocuie is right behind her. You are going to have your hands full when they get older. The boys won't stay away. Love Nana:)

Jay Pike said...

Thank you both, you mothers of mine are just too kind.



Bubbie said...

Hey, I just checked back here after a busy week off-line and can't believe the stunning subjects and techniques you've been using Jay! OMG our grandbabies are getting more beautiful every day!....send kisses and hugs from us!
Bubbie Di

Mimi said...

Bubbie, Nana, Mimi...We mothers/grandmothers stick together well.

Hooray for us!!!!!!