Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A cute little Jocie face

Cute? Yes, very much so. But, keep in mind, this is the little two year old that so nicely dumps piles of books on her bedroom floor hours after she's been put to bed. This is the little cute face that decides that dumping puzzles on top of her sister's head while she's sleeping is a good idea. This is the gal that decided to take her diaper off and use the floor as her "potty" instead.

When I tried to put her to bed last night and turn off her bedside light, I was scolded with a very stern: "No Daddy! I turn off light! You go!" as she pointed me towards the door.

She has more personality than the whole of our family combined.

I often jest: "Two year old for sale! I'll pay you to take her." I've even warned my mother that she should watch her FedEx deliveries as a granddaughter may be coming in C.O.D. soon.


1 comment:

Mimi said...

I'll accept the FedEx charges any time!!!!!!!

Yes, she may be a major handful, and better you are the age you are rather than mine for keeping up with her.

Wishing all of you love and grace.