Monday, September 28, 2009

Time with Jessamyn

Recently, I can't help feeling bad for Jess. What with school and the little time we have at home that we're not busy cleaning the house, straightening up, or trying to accomplish something other than spend time with the kids, she seems to get the shortest end of the stick. I also think she is having a hard time with it the most. Joey is always so focused on.... well... Joey. Jess is very sensitive to wanting to spend time with her parents though, and I think that loss really puts her in a hard place. This is the conundrum of life for me. That balancing act between spending my free time with the kids and making memories that matter or handling the mundane administrative tasks of life that need constant follow-through or else our life will crumble to pieces. I hope that in later life, she will look back and not have regrets like I sometimes feel I do about this age and my handling of our time together.... I have to wonder.... am I making the right choices right here and now?


Mimi said...

I understand your conundrum, truly. I too felt guilty about dealing with the mundane at your expense. Some days there isn't even enough time to spend just an hour with each child!!!! Thirty minutes?

Life is seldom busier than when raising children.

Best of luck.

Unknown said...

some times you just have to give a little something special to one and that can make all the difference in the world. I love the fact that you have your daddy and daughter night out, maybe if you keep that just for you and her that might her feel not so left out. Love Nana:)