Monday, October 3, 2011

Jocie's Flowers

She jumps on her bike and heads down the sidewalk... I think she's being cute and just getting a little exercise so I continue going about my work of setting up even more Halloween decorations for my wife's edification...

A half-hour later, Jocie emerges from the front door with this bowl filled with beautiful flowers. Jenny asks her where she got them from:

"Oh, I rode my bike down the sidewalk and picked flowers out of all of the neighbors yards. Just the ones I thought were pretty, though..."

So, now we have a wonderful, colorful, bowl of neighbors flowers on our counter.... courtesy of Jocie...

Beware the Pike's 4 year old daughter on her bike as she passes by your house... her intentions are not always just to be cute... she might steal your prized petunias...


1 comment:

Mimi said...

I like your first-person stream-consciousness narrative form used in your story of Jocie's Flowers. The I-was-there approach.

There is a florist shop we often pass by in Bradenton, FL named 'Josie's Posies'. That could be Jocie's shop some day. I smile and think of her whenever I pass by.

But... Jocie's love of flowers and bugs makes me think she's headed for a career in entomology (study of bugs) or biology (study of plants).

She was two years old when I first watched her catch a spider and let it crawl up her arm!!!!

Then there were her four slug friends in Nassau this August which she also let climb up her arm and complained of an itchy arm afterwards.

That's my Jocie!