Friday, August 28, 2009

The kids having fun.

Jocie's very creative way to paint toe nails

Julie gives me a funny expression as she crawls through the yard (I actually think she was munching on a leaf that she found).

Nibbling on a piece of a PB-n-J sandwich, Jocie sits on the floor watching TV

Julie is busy learning to make music with her piano.

A few great shots of Joey as he plays in the yard.


Unknown said...

these are really cute shots love the way you got Joey's mouth open and you can see his missing tooth. the the look that Julie has she has changed, looks a little more older. Jocie and her Pb&J. what can u say. Love Nana:)

Mimi said...

Just emailed Jocie painting her toe nails to my yoga instructor, explaining Jocie's pose as an intrepretation of what in yoga is called "the happy baby pose".

Cass will get a big chuckle out of this did I.

Can't wait to see all of you in two days' time.