Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Visiting with Jessamyn

I've been trying to figure out how to chase and photograph my older two children for some time now. The little ones are easy, they're less mobile and will smile at you if you talk to them. As the kids get older, engaging them gets more difficult and I've got to resort to following them around and trying to catch them in the act of having fun.

Here are two from one of those 'acts' that Jessamyn does while playing in the back yard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jay I must say you really have the nack to capture the kids in all there beauty. You truly are a terrific photographer. I love all the pictures and seeing all the moments that I miss. I have watch the kids grow up with the pictures you have taken, and I feel like I saw them go through every new change. I can't thank you enough for giving me that. My Love to you forever. Love Nana:)