Sunday, October 18, 2009

In Traverse City with the Pike Kids (for Mimi)

Joey and Jess wait to catch a train (one that's just their size).

A perfect pair: brother and sister!

... as the "peg-legged" sea captain and the mermaid...

... or as a Victorian-era couple.

Julie as she lectures me about the fine points of her floor-view based expertise.

Yogurt Face!!!

At Mimi's hand...

Jocie sits awaiting her favorite cottage celebrity... Brent.

Joey decided the water was a tad too cold to go in, but was perfect for racing the waves along the shore.

Here is what Jocie loves most in TC and with her favorite person to do it with.

Britt is an excellent show-person for the fun had on the beach during the Summer's in TC.


Unknown said...

I can't believe how big Joey and Jess have gotten since I saw them in august. Julie is cute as a bug and Jocie looks older as well. Hope she is sleeping better for you guys. She looks so content on the beach there with her shovel.

Mimi said...

Shhhh... don't tell anyone. Brent tells me all the little children fall absolutely in love with Britt, and Jocie is the first to fall in love with him, Brent.

He is thoroughly thrilled that Jocie is drawn towards him!

Mimi said...

Thanks, Jay, for the pics for Mimi.

I love you dearly!!!!!

Mimi said...

Don't we all have a great time here on the beach in TC?????

So very, very special... especially with all our children and grandchildren here to share it with us.

We are all so blessed, and fortunate.

And grateful!!!