Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jocie and Julie

Here is a set of shots from this past weekend of Jocie and Julie.  The set of Julie is a double shot per image as one is cropped and one is the original.  

Enjoy, jp.


Mimi said...

Goodness, how much Julie's awareness has advanced since I saw her at Christmas time!!!!!

Amazing how quickly she grows, and how quickly her awareness quickens.

Intersting snapshots...cropping dilutes the color quality, I think...tho the closer-up reveals more detail.

Jay Pike said...

Actually, you're close. I intentionally added a white vignette around her face in each of the cropped images to help focus the subject a little more and leave less of a "bedspread behind the head" look.

I would disagree that the color quality is in any way compromised by doing this, just varied a little. The detail is there in both images, it's just that the full width one tends to be displayed smaller on most screens so that it can fit in the width of the "average" browser window. I say "average" because many people have wide-screen displays these days (like my Mac) and the image will look normal on those if you widen your browser enough for it to fit.

Then again, the images are copped for posting on this site as well (so I don't use up my 1gb of space too quickly), so that will play a part too.

For a look at the originals, go to my other web site at http://www.jpike.net and look under the Pike Family portraits, you'll see the full size images there.


Mimi said...

The smaller the image the denser the color, I guess?

Thanks for explaining your addition of a white vignette in the close-ups.

I so enjoy your technical logic!