Monday, January 12, 2009

Swimming with Joey and Jessamyn

Every week for several years now, the kids have has swimming lessons (I think I've posted about a few of these in the past).  Over the holiday I was able to take the kids to one of their classes, which was the first time I was able to do one of these in well over a year....  Jess is just a machine in the water and loves every minute of it.  Joey too is getting very good at what he does and it shows that he enjoys it.

Here Joey and Jess get ready to "jump" in.
The "jump"....

Jess shows some of her fun character....

Time to put on some flippers and practice some high speed swimming....


Mimi said...


Looks like tons of fun!!!!!

Appropriate sport for folks with your last name!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I agree with Mimi these are pretty coll pics.