Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jocie's Birthday (Part 1)

Moments after waking up and coming downstairs, Jocie gets to walk through a "grand entrance" into the kitchen that Jenny had done the night before...

She was so very happy to see her Elmo themed birthday breakfast.

Her first birthday present?  A new toothbrush... even though this may seem strange, Jocie just loves to brush her teeth, and she'll yell at you if you forget to have her do it every morning and every night: "Brush teeth?.... brush teeth?"

Joey was still waking up, I think, when I took this shot...

Jocie's main birthday present?  A "roller coaster"!

This is actually something that she has loved every time she goes to her gym class, so, Jenny thoughtfully acquired this gift weeks ago for her.

Here she goes on her first run down the coaster...

And later as she cruised the house in her new "ride"

Jess and Jocie discuss the finer points of "Elmo" as a children's icon and role model in the modern age...

This picture and the next are thanks to Aunt Kate... the actual statement that was being made was: "Noooo daddy, I'm princess birthday, no pictures.... I'm princess birthday, nooo pictures!"

And this was the morning of Jocie's birthday... more to come from later that day.


Unknown said...

Jocie looks like she really enjoyed her day. Wish I could have been there. Love Nana:)

Bubbie said...

What a fun birthday from morning til 'night. The roller coaster is ya gotta tell me where you end up keeping it !!!