Monday, February 25, 2008

Jocie Walks with Thai

Accounts of Jocie walking seem to lack significant credibility as the only witness to this single act was, of course, me. I’m pretty sure my wife is convinced that I made the whole thing up as some sort of self-facilitating publicity stunt, but, I honestly saw our year-old daughter take three steps unassisted while carrying a ball.

These three steps were taken towards a birthday-invitation-creation obsessed mother and was loudly advertised by various shrieks of ‘da’ and ‘ma’ as the self-proud almost-toddler figure teetered towards her favorite parent in search of gratification.

For the rest of the day, we watched her every move, followed her around the house like magnets, and encouraged her attempts at anything with high pitched loving voices which netted us beautiful giggles and smiles, but no walking.

Her now trounced abilities vanished later that night as the little one decided to start pushing her luck with her newfound celebrity in the form of a face-first plant into to my wife’s Thai dinner.

While my wife had her first ever Thai food experience (at least that she’ll admit to with me) of Pud Thai (a wonderful friend noodle dish), little Jocie took a short glance at mom, as if to make sure she wasn’t paying too close attention to her actions, and then literally dove her face into the take-out carton. Astonished by her action, we could do nothing but laugh at this devisive action.

Rewarded and proud by her ‘apple-bobing’ style, she attacked again. In form that would make any county fair pie eating contestant proud, she held arms back and pushed mouth and jaw forward to maximize the take on the second successful attempt.
After completing the action several times, she opted to sit back and utilize her hands to push fistful upon fistful of fried rice into her mouth. The truly amazing part is that she had eaten an entire hot-dog and half a plate of mac-n-cheese barely thirty minutes prior.

I know full well that it is her chubby thighs that drives this ferocious appetite, as they seem to grow larger and larger like trunks of some huge oak tree. This inherited trait is probably a gift from her mother, whom I once caught eating cookies at the cottage table after we’d eaten a meal, and she accusingly stated: “That’s right, I’m applying them directly to my thighs.”

Well, at least she got a good meal. Maybe tomorrow, she’ll pick some other unsuspecting soul to place the whistle-blower tag onto that no-one else will believe. Until then, I’m happy that two of my family members will now eat Thai with me.


1 comment:

Mimi said...

I sorely missed reading your vibrant daily entry. It's been since last Thursday that you wrote a new entry.

Virbant and elegant writing, to be sure, how I love seeing the inside of your mind!