Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Two Lost Forgotten Yet Now Found

Earlier today, I got lost into some odd directory tree on my computer while searching for some place to store the latest patches from Sun Microsystems for Solaris, and ran into two pictures that got lost into the disorganized quagmire known as my “work laptop.”

The first one is known as “Jess’s Bad Hair Day” and although I’d like to say this is a rare occurrence with her, it is actually something seen on a somewhat frequent basis since she detests having her hair done. She is slowing growing towards tolerating it, but it will be some time before she achieves “Hair Diva” status. On this particular day, she had some pony-tails that she insisted on removing after getting into her pajamas. After some intense play, I cornered her behind her table and snapped this photo while she was taking a breath to re-energize her activities.

The second picture was taken several days after Jocie was first born and is my favorite newborn picture of her. Warm, swaddled, and sleeping. She was and is a very beautiful baby. She even graced both her mother and myself last night by taking her first confirmed three steps in front of us both (read my previous blog entries for the “unconfirmed” walking incident).

I hope you enjoy these as much as I did when I shocked myself earlier today in finding these two lost and forgotten photos that are now found.


1 comment:

Mimi said...


Jocie walks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Proof positive, as witnessed by both Mom and Dad!!!!1

Sorry to have missed it!

And Jess with Big Hair...what can I say???? Perfectly plausible!