Thursday, January 10, 2008

The thumb suckers guild

Yeah, this really is our family in the early morning. The three huddled together in the morning sharing blankies and thumb sucking. Well, at least they've bonded together.

Why always the same thumb? Left. Always.

I've inquired from my son as to why he prefers his left, "it tastes better" he replied. He was even nice enough to try a right thumb taste-test to prove his theory, but to no avail, the left one wins every time.

With Jess I discussed the possibility of switching to fingers. She tried her pinkie, but said it just didn't "have the right texture."

What do we do.... we form the 'Thumb Suckers Guild'.


1 comment:

Joanne said...

LOL - Jolie is a left-thumb-sucker too!!! and I just the other day tried the icky tasting nail polish stuff to try and 'help' her get over her thumb!! No other finger on either hand will do... LOL!!!