Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Catch This

There is a pattern to my madness, and it's reasoning is easily discernible if you think about it...

* The square root of 4 is 2 and 4 is the smallest squared prime
* There are four corners to a square
* A quartet has four members
* Michigan touches four of the Great Lakes
* A quadruped has four legs
* The 4th of July was the day our country declared its Independence from Great Britain
* The Rule of 4 is a practice that prevents Supreme Court justices from controlling all of the cases it agrees to hear
* In mathematics, 4 is the smallest composite number.
* The 4th dimension of space is time.
* I have four drum sets
* I have four cameras
* Our house has four bedrooms (not counting the playroom as a bedroom)

Yes, there really is a pattern here.


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