Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Great news about our pregnancy!

Jenny went to the OBs office today for her checkup, and as part of the appointment (and in part due to some concerns over how bad Jenny has been feeling during this pregnancy), they opted to do an ultrasound to determine our current gestational state.

Here is the picture that was made at today's appointment:

To our surprise, the operator asked how many children we had.

"We have three, and this will be our fourth."

"Well, actually... get ready for this" she said "it will not only be your fourth but also your fifth and sixth!"

Jenny and I were speechless!

We're having triplets!

Let me rephrase that in case you missed it. We are expecting three children with this pregnancy: we're expecting triplets!!!

I'll pause to let the shock set in for you as it did with us... come back in two hours... that's how long it took us.

Wow... this brings a lot of things to think about to the table, and I've no idea how we are going to handle this doubling of our household child quotient, but... we'll find a way to live and love through it all as we always do.

Anyone want to move to Portage to come live with us for the next 18 years?



Mimi said...

Perhaps all the grandparents could pool their financial (and parenting) resources to purchase a house across the street from the Pike residence?

A parental time-share?????

Bubbie said...

LOL !!!! I made sure that I didn't play any jokes that had a possibility of coming true...you're a dare devil!

I know WE'D enjoy the time share Mickie, but not sure how the KIDS would :)

loren said...

Hahaha... you can ignore my comment earlier :)

I'm guessing an April Fool's joke? That's a pretty good one! What's interesting is that our triplets' original due date was April 1.

Congrats again on the beautiful family!