Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Jocie Finds a “Ballerina Box”

Not to be outdone by her older siblings this past weekend, Jocie discovered the wonders of this invention early Saturday morning while Joey and Jess were at their dance lessons.

I had been in another room at the time of the finding, but was quickly alerted to her actions from a loud series of squeals and giggles coming from the playroom. When I came to find out what the cause of the joy was, I found her in the process of pulling books into the box as she sat in it laughing. She even pulled in a tea pot towards the end to complete her eureka.

Here are some of her pictures.


Jocie sits in her sister's "Ballerina Box" just after I came to find out what all the giggling was about. She thought this was a great find and was extremely proud of herself.

Not wasting any time in her enjoyment, Jocie pulled in books for her edification while relaxing with her feet up in the box

After a little "light reading", Jocie opted to include a tea pot in her morning interlude

Attempting to preserve her older sister's prize possesion, I had removed Jocie from the box and put it on a table thinking this action would deter Jocie before returing to my shower. A few minutes later, I again heard squeals from the playroom and returned to find the culprit back in the box that she had salvaged from the table top


Bubbie said...

What a little munchkin-----she is such a busy beaver, especially when Dad wants to get in a shower! I am so impressed at her being able to keep up with Big Bro and Sis...
Kisses and Hugs to all,
Bruce and Diane

Mimi said...

Aaahhhhhhh: A teapot in a tempest, is it? A copy of "The Hungry Caterpillar" would have been the perfect read for the wee bairn.