Friday, April 18, 2008

What Cold? Where? Loving the warmth!

The pleasantly warm weather has me thinking lots of happy thoughts and enjoying the outdoors with the kids. Aside from the tremendous chores required outdoors (raking the grass up in the yard, cleaning up leaves, opening the pool, cleaning the dog run, un-winterizing the sprinkling system, etc), I’m really very happy to be spending more time outside.

With all of these distractions, I’ve almost forgot to post some more pictures of the kids from this past weekend. It’s hard to believe today (it’s 65+ outside) that just a few days ago, we had 3+ inches of snow on the ground (see previous photo in my rambling blog about politics and the economy).

Enjoy the photos, and I’ll be back with some stories next week.



Bubbie said...

I just love seeing these pics Jay! Looks like Joey and Jess are being quite civilized with a tea party goin' on----and Jocie is always on the move!

Mimi said...

As seen in these photos, Jess has learned perfectly to keep a finger on the teapot as not to topple it onto the dining table.

My, how Jess loves tea!!! While shopping lately, thinking out loud, Jess heaved a sigh and said how we must have a pot of tea soon's we return home!!!

Taking tea has become a daily ritual when visiting grandma. Believe me, it is my sheer joy!!!

Yes, taking tea is in her blood! She comes by it honestly.

That, and we now take teas that are healthy for her mother-to-be Mom...raspberry leaf, honey, chamomile, and Orange Fountain by Island Rose Tea Company.

Joey, who also loves a tea party, prefers milk in his tea cup. "Tea tastes yucky, Mimi," he says. Give him a "cuppa" of milk and he happily joins the tea table...especially with all the snacks like Ginger Snaps, apple slices, granola bars, and fresh grapes. We are ever happy to have him join the tea party chatter and companionship as we all talk about our day.

I look forward to the day when Jess will join my Sip and Stitch Quilt Guild as well.